SPIE Career Center

Top 8 Recruiting Mistakes that Organizations Make

Kazim Ladimeji
Managing Editor, thecareercafe.co.uk

While hiring mistakes are likely to be more common with less experienced hiring teams, hiring mistakes and bad practices can creep into even the most experienced hiring teams when they are under pressure. In truth it will never be possible to eliminate all hiring mistakes but by being aware of the most common mistakes that are made during the hiring process you can begin to take actions to address these issues.

Top 8 Recruiting Mistakes that Organizations Make

1. Failing to outline career opportunities in your job posting. Research from Randstadt and many others reveals that most staff leave firms due to a lack of career opportunities. So, it follows that if you want to appeal to today's top talent you need to highlight your career development opportunities  in your job posting.

2. Failing to highlight the organizational culture in your job post. In today's more attitude conscious candidate marketplace, applicants now more than ever want to work for companies with a positive organizational culture. So, make sure to highlight the positive aspects of your organizational culture in your job posting.

3. Awkward application process. Many larger organizations use automated software so candidates can make their applications online. These systems are notoriously difficult to use and as a result can deter top applicants. Try out your own application system and if you find it is cumbersome to use, you might need to consider a more user friendly system.

4. Considering the unemployed to be unemployable. A study by Bull Horn Reach confirms that 44% of recruiters suggest its harder to place someone who has been unemployed than someone with a criminal record, such is the level of prejudice against the unemployed. As a result of mass redundancies and a greater use of temporary workers most people will be unemployed at some point in their life and it should no longer have the stigma that has been associated with it in the past. The unemployed labour pool is awash with talent.

5. Considering older workers to be less productive. Many employers shy away from older workers as they think they are less productive. This is not true as research  presented by complianceandsafety.com suggests that older workers waste less time than younger workers.

6. Failing to do structured interviews. Many organizations still hire someone following an informal chat as opposed to a structured interview. This is a big mistake as structured interviews have been shown to have twice the level of predictive reliability then structured interviews.

7. Failing to do background checks. Nearly 30% of employers surveyed by CareerBuilder have discovered a fake reference on a candidates application. Always do background checks.

8. Not acknowledging candidates. A StartWire survey has revealed that 77% of applicants think worse of organizations - and would not recommend a company - that did not acknowledge the application. So, always acknowledge applications to ensure your engender a sense of good well with the candidate community.

Good luck with your next hire!

Kazim Ladimeji is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, and has been a practicing HR professional for 14 years. Kazim is the Director of thecareercafe.co.uk, a resource for start-ups, small business and job seekers.